We get a lot of confusion with clients when we have appointments default to, say, a Teams meeting but they really just want it to be a phonecall. I can create even more appointment types but that gets to the point of ridiculous. It would be nice to, in the appointment setting, ask "How should we plan to connect?". From there, they can choose whatever options are available. (ie. Teams, Zoom, Conference Bridge, Phonecall, etc.) Then you could add text that says, for Teams or Zoom, their invite will include the link to the meeting. For phonecall, it could ask them what number to call or if they want to plan to call in. There are so many variants of ways to connect that trying to create appointment types for every variant would get unwieldy really quick. By allowing the options to be selected within the appointment, we make the user workflow much easier and make management of appointment types much easier as well.