Reporting and Analytics
Logan Fernandes
We are very focused on data, analytics, and utilization info for our techs to monitor the ROI that TimeZest gives us. It would be really great to have a longer history (that is, more than the 14 days you can see now) of appointment scheduling rates as well as finding utilization rates per tech.
For example, how many appointments a specific tech is scheduling and being scheduled for (by team url scheduling) and maybe how many a group (or generically, "All Users") are doing in the same metrics.
Ideally, I'd like enough data that I can look at reports and see that, for example, one tech is not using it very much on average compared to his team so we can do coaching and figure out what's up.
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Jeff Marks
Client Cancelled vs Tech Cancelled. Got some input from a client that we are cancelling and/or rescheduling but I have to dig to get that information.
Vic Staletovic
I would really like to see more around reporting then what currently is built into TimeZest. One key reporting function to add to the current would be to add 'team'. My company would very much benefit from being able to see from which team a Timezest was sent for example.
Eric Buhrendorf
Yep, we need to report on meetings set attributed to a sales resource.
Raveen Chugani
Can a report be generated / scheduled to see how many calls were scheduled by team members on a daily / weekly basis.
Teri Olson
Would like to see the ability to schedule reports. If we could schedule them, we would be able to send the csv report over to Brightgauge to include in service dashboards.
Richard Ericksen
timezest's "reporting" is absolute garbage. It's a single chart that shows nothing useful. We need to be able to show "next available slot would have been X hours" without sending ourselves dummy tickets and seeing what's available, then scribbling it down in excel.
Jason Langenauer
Jason Langenauer
Merged in a post:
any kind of reporting, please!
Would love to see average window of time (appointment selected is 2 days out), so we can see if we're improving. I know this is probably hard to do, since a client can say "three weeks from now is best for me!", but if we could report on the shortest time offered regularly, it would help.
Amy Jahraus
We have multiple teams using TimeZest now, that are very different in use-case, so we need to be able to report by tech, by team, by board, etc. to filter what is & isn't applicable to those teams
Jackie Oliva
Agreed! Can show value to our clients with this data
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