Change a Scheduled appointment time instead of cancel
Dan Baird
Sometimes we are in [verbal/email] communication with the customer and they ask us to change the meeting time for them. It would be nice to be able to do this from the CW Pod and right now the only option we have is to cancel and then send a new scheduling request. For our techs to be able to manually change the meeting time would be fantastic. Maybe just add an additional button in the Cancel dialogue to Change.
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Jason Casuga
Jason Casuga
Diane Roy
Great news! thank you!
Jason Langenauer
This is coming as part of a much bigger feature we're building. It's still a little way off but is definitely being built...
Angela Lacy
We need this!
Jeff Couch
This would be extremely useful for us.
Aaron Williams
It creates so many issues and inconveniences for our end users to have to be aware of each new link we send them just so we can make sure things get scheduled/rescheduled. A one stop shop is always easiest
Michelle Wilder
We have had this issue on at least 3 instances, and it is quite confusing for the client.
Mary Stevens
Yes, I just had this come up yesterday.
Jason Casuga
Merged in a post:
Need to be able to Edit the Invite, before the customer accepts
Salman Mohommadi
There has been multiple occasions where we would've wanted to edit the request sent, but the only way is to cancel the existing one and sent another. It would be great to be able to edit the request sent, before the client sets a time so that we do not have to cancel the one which is sent. This would avoid unnecessary emails sent, and more efficiant usage of this great tool
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