Automatically cancel any appointments when a ticket is closed.
in progress
Jason Langenauer
Monitor ticket status via webhooks, and automatically cancel any future appointments that have been created for the ticket when the ticket is closed.
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Jason Casuga
in progress
Jason Casuga
Shannon Gomes
This would be very helpful!
Jason Casuga
We are starting to gather the existing feedback on this feature request which will help us create a plan to begin building a solution. I'd like to have a conversation with you to share your thoughts so if you're available to have a conversation about this feature request, please use my scheduling link below to set up a call:
Jason Casuga
under review
Casey Casto
This feature would be greatly appreciated. We have tickets that stay in a Completed status for a few days before being closed fully to allow clients to respond if they feel an issue isn't fully resolved. The outstanding appointment requests makes this confusing.
Jason Casuga
Casey Casto: Have you ever come in to a situation where you closed the ticket and the TimeZest appointment was about to start in an hour or even sooner? Not all PSAs support webhooks so we have to find a way to monitor tickets when they change to a Closed status. For example, it may have to run every few hours.
Jason Casuga
Merged in a post:
Stop Reminders to Schedule on Completed State tickets
Kathe Hewitte
If a ticket is in a completed state, do not send reminders to schedule. I am finding that our clients are being helped without actually scheduling and the resource puts the ticket in completed status without thinking to cancel the pending scheduling request.
Jason Zurro
I hope this is feature that would come soon, as I schedule out many rmm tickets to get in touch with users, but sometimes they call back and I can work the ticket there. Once closed I forget about it, and it is on my calander. It is a pain to have to see it on the schedule, open the ticket and realize that it was taken care of long ago. This also opens me up to users not being able to schedule at that time.m
Tyler Lesmeister
Will we be seeing this anytime soon? This is essential and would greatly improve the TimeZest functionality.
Patti Jones
I agree with Kathee - any completed status as our technicians use that status and our coorinators change to Closed. We have had more than one situation where the ticket is closed and time zest changes the status to No Response to customer and send the email even though we've been there. So not a good experience for the customer.
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