Automatic handling of Outlook invite responses
Jason Langenauer
At the moment, when a client accepts/declines/proposes a new time in Outlook, the email that Outlook sends goes to the scheduled member (or the configured external email address). This means that the decline and propose new time functionality doesn't have any affect beyond the email.
This feature would work by making TimeZest the "organizer" of the calendar invite, so it would receive the accept/decline emails, and process them as follows:
- An "Accept" email would simply create an event in the TimeZest audit trail saying the client had accepted. Perhaps a internal note on the ticket as well.
- A "Decline" email would cancel the appointment, create a note on the ticket, and optionally move the ticket into a configurable status.
- A "Propose New Time" email would reschedule the appointment, if available, and create a note on the ticket, or send a response that the new time is not suitable.
If the client writes any text in the email (e.g. with the "Edit the response before sending" feature in Outlook), TimeZest would copy that text into a note on the ticket.
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Mat Kordell
An easier to implement bridge solution would be to make sure the cancel/reschedule link is placed in the meeting invite ICS sent to the client. Savvy Outlook users would likely see that, so there would at least be some amount higher success rate. I think the Outlook functionality is critical but it we could just get the link into the ICS ASAP it would lessen the impact of this scenario.
Damian Bailey
I would ask the same for the Gmail calendar invite functionality too, please. I can definitely see clients getting confused if they follow their normal workflow of declining a meeting etc.