API for TimeZest
Stephen Moody
I would like to be able to interact with TimeZest via an API. Ideally we could specify all of the parameters available in the Pod via API.
This would complement our Manage API scripts nicely, as there are times where we need to mass-send TimeZest invites from tickets that we're creating programmatically.
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Jason Langenauer
We've just launched TimeZest's API which will allow you to access data in your TimeZest account, and also send scheduling invites. We've put together a full documentation site at https://developer.timezest.com, and we're looking forward to seeing what people build with this.
Jason Casuga
in progress
Jason Casuga
Jason Casuga
under review
Will be staring work on TimeZest API soon.
Adam Burley
Seconding (well, fourtheenth-ing) this! An API both to set up zest invites and get reporting data would integrate nicely into some of our more advanced workflows and give us better insight on how and how much our engineers and clients are gettin' Zesty!
Amy Jahraus
We would also like API access to extract the TimeZest stats to our PowerBI dashboards. W/the lack of reporting, or customers wanting different reports, we could create whatever we want if we could just extract it via API
Damian Bailey
I was actually surprised to see that TimeZest doesn't have an API published - this would be nice, even if it's rarely used. I would say in cases where we're auto creating certain types of support tickets that require scheduling, this would be an added benefit.