Allow triggers using ticket status
Scott Jenkins
A feature request was recently completed based on closed tickets. We use the "Completed" status, which means we can't use the trigger.
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Jason Casuga
Scott Jenkins: What are your expectations here? Why would you want TimeZest to close appointments based on Completed status? Wouldn't the ticket still be in an "open" state that still needs final sign-off before it goes to a Closed status and therefore the appointment should still be open just in case the ticket is not fully resolved?
Scott Jenkins
Jason Casuga Yes, we would want to be able to close appointments based on statuses other than Closed. As an example, our NOC tickets move to "Resolved" when they are solved by automation. In that case, we want to cancel the appointment/scheduling option.
Jason Casuga
Scott Jenkins What happens to the ticket after it's set to Resolved? Couldn't "Resolved" be considered a Closed status if the NOC ticket is truly fixed and no other work needs to be done to it?
Scott Jenkins
Jason Casuga That's a fair point. A different example is that we use "Completed" for complete service tickets and then use a status called "Closed (Survey)" to send out our surveys. It would be useful for us if we could use different statuses like these as triggers.
Dan Farkas
I'd like to be able to use something like "waiting client" to trigger an appointment request.
Jason Casuga
Dan Farkas: Can you give more detail on this? Are you saying you want a TimeZest scheduling request to be sent to a client so they can schedule an appointment when the status of the ticket is changed to "Waiting on client"?
Dan Farkas
Right, we could have a status like "schedule maintenance" that automatically asked the user when they'd like to have us do work / reboot / etc.
Jason Casuga
Dan Farkas You can use the status notification within ConnectWise to include the TimeZest scheduling link in the email that is sent when the status changes to "schedule maintenance".
In the TimeZest appointment type's setting (the one you want use when scheduling a schedule maintenance appointment), copy the URL-based scheduling URL (see screenshot).
Then in ConnectWise, go to Setup Tables > Service Board > [board] > Statuses tab. From there, paste the URL-based scheduling URL in the Email Notification section that is used to send the email to the recipient.
Dan Farkas
Jason Casuga That works - thank you!